Helping enterprises correctly identify the high-potential talents is an important part of the HR work
How to ensure the human resources of enterprises in this era of VUCA with complex, changing, fuzzy and uncertain circumstances?
Is the talent selection based on the capability required for a certain position still keeping up with changes in enterprises?
How to avoid overseeing talents and exploit the real potential of organizational talents?
In VUCA era, the key point of talent selection changes
In VUCA era, the enterprises need to control the key points in talent management
High-potential talent plan in line
with corporate strategy
Designing the sound process,
and integrating various methods to identify high-potential
Exploiting talent’s potential through special training,
work scope expansion, and participation in projects,
providing talents with opportunities for
growth and promoting the development of talent’s potential
Understanding the preferences of high-potential talent,
adopting tangible/intangible measures to keep the talents,
and avoid the loss of high-potential talents,
giving full play to the high-potential talents
Providing the integrated solutions from planning, identification, training,
and then to retention to help enterprises manage the high-potential talents
Furnishing multiple online and offline tools for effective identification of high-potential talents based on the experience and professional research of high-potential talent
The experienced expert consultant team provides insight into high-potential talent management with many years’ experience in management & project